Phoenix Amateur Photographers Workshops

Cyanotype print by Brian

For the past six months I’ve been running a regular monthly beginners photography course over in Runcorn. It’s an older group, originally formed to support men who were suffering with anxiety, over time the group has expended to anyone with an interest in photography.

I structured each session around a particular technique beginning with exposure with month one followed by composition, flash, basic editing and last week, simple Cyanotype prints.

It’s been great to watch the group develop – we split each session into a mixture of theory and practical experiments which seemed to suit everyone’s different needs. Some members of the group are a bit more advanced in some areas, and we happy to support others with less experience.

The Cyanipe session was fun – we’re going to continue this next month and then plan in some basic editing sessions. I’m expecting great things from this group in the future so watch out.

Cyanotype print by Val